Research, strategies and educational resources in Brazil
The digital book "Research, strategies and educational resources in Brazil" was organized from articles submitted to the National Congress of Research, Strategies and Educational Resources, held in 2022. The collection brings together 26 relevant articles to the dialogue between professionals and researchers from different areas who work in educational practices, as they present conceptual and theoretical changes and advances, innovative strategies and resources, experience reports and future perspectives.
ISBN: 978-65-85105-01-9
Organizers: Maxwell Luiz da Ponte; Eliza Carminatti Wenceslau
Year: 2022
How to cite (ABNT): PONTE, ML; WENCESLAU, EC (Orgs.). Research, strategies and resources for education in Brazil. São José do Rio Preto, SP: Reconecta Soluções, 2022. 323p.