ReconectaPlay is a repository of academic-scientific content of the streaming type, that is, 100% remote and asynchronous, conceived and managed by Reconecta Soluções Educacionais.
The repository brings together lectures, short courses, workshops/workshops, conferences and scientific communications in different thematic areas, such as:
Practices in Teaching;
Conservation Practices;
Practices in Tourism;
Interdisciplinary Practices and Sustainability;
Sustainability - social, economic and environmental dimensions;
Health practices and research;
Teacher Training,
Scientific dissemination and teaching: strategies and resources;
Scientific dissemination and university extension;
Spaces for scientific dissemination;
Research, Strategies and Resources in Languages, Exact Sciences, Human Sciences, Natural and Earth Sciences;
Children's Education;
Professional and Technological Education;
Inclusive education.
Enrich your resume without leaving home: the issuance of certificates is automatic and by the platform itself, a certificate is issued for each activity you participate in.